Jesus beneath the mountain and Jesus on top of the mountain
(Luke 9:28-36)

Beings that live within time and space will someday experience death. It is very distressing for two lovers to be temporarily separated, much more, is it hard to imagine that we cannot ever see the loved one again due to death. However there is a person who is able to freely cross the boundary of life and death. That person is the only son of God, Jesus Christ.

1. The birth and death of Adam and Eve
1) Adam was created in God’s likeness so that he would live eternally 2) Sin and death - Adam’s sin and death (Genesis 3:17-19) 3) The first death - Cain murders his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8)

2. Death entered the world through sin
1) The death of the spirit 2) The physical death
3) Every living thing in the third dimensional world came to experience death
4) Because of man, all creation became enemies of God (Romans 8:21-22)

3. Harmony with God through Jesus’ cross
1) By the blood of the cross, we experience atonement for death and reconciled to God
(Romans 5:8-10)
2) The cost of death is death and the grace of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord
(Romans 6:23)

4. The life of Jesus beneath the mountain and on top of the mountain
1) On top of the mountain there was the presence of God and the saints being saved
Beneath the mountain, it was filled with sin, disease, the Devil, death and suffering (Luke 9:28-31)

5. God who raised us up to the top of the mountain
1) If the Lord desired he could have crossed over to heaven any time he wished.
However, he toiled beneath the mountain to the end because he loved sinners (1 John 4:9-10)
2) At the end of his public ministry, he announced that the fearful suffering of the cross was awaiting him (Phil. 2:6-8)
3) Along with physical life, man also possesses spiritual life (John 11:25-26)

God created the world and man as his masterpiece and loved his creation. Adam and Eve who became slaves of sin brought about an unspeakable suffering to God the Father and Jesus. However, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit made a resolute sacrifice, giving up life to save sinners.