God who gives freedom and liberty
(Exodus 14:15-20)

God sent Moses in order to give freedom and liberty to the Israelites who were living as slaves in Egypt for 430 years. God sent Jesus to give freedom and liberty to His people who were living as slaves to Satan for 4,000 years after Adam sinned. The exodus event is a good model that teaches us about Jesus’ work of salvation.

1. God who raises and works through a leader
-He trained Moses for 40 years in the wilderness, and after training him He appointed him as the leader of Israel(Exodus 3:4-6)
1) A leader who knows the absolute goodness of God
2) A leader who knows the almighty God
3) A leader who knows the God who does not lie
4) A leader who knows the sovereign God
(Numbers 23:19)
19 God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
(Deuteronomy 32:4)
4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

2. A leader who follows God with a dream
1) Moses who was bold and dreamed about God who would fight on behalf of the Israelites in their time of distress(Exodus 14:13-16)
2) Moses who dreamed of the red sea being divided and the Israelites crossing through it(Exodus 14:21-22)
3) Moses who saw the army of Egypt being defeated(Exodus 14:27-28)

3. The emergence of the third dimensional and fourth dimensional worlds
1) The 3rd dimensional world is the material world and the 4th dimensional world is the spiritual non-material world
2) The 3rd dimensional world is under the dominion of the 4th dimensional world
(Genesis 1:2)
3) God created the heavens and the earth with his Word(Genesis 1:3)
4. Moses, the man of God
1) The man Moses met God, was changed and was filled with the Spirit of God as the man of (Acts 7:30-36)
2) The elements of the fourth dimension: thinking, dream, faith, the word of confession of faith (Hebrews 11:6)

5. The spiritual elements of the fourth dimension
1) The language of communication with God
2) The weapon used to battle Satan
3) The strength to change and conquer the 3rd dimensional world
4) The power that strengthens us

God does not like us living in bondage as slaves to Satan. Like in the Exodus event, he has given us freedom and liberty through Jesus Christ. Now through faith in Jesus we become the people of God and enjoy freedom and liberty.

? The Word of God is our Food - 4)
There was once a letter that was posted in an edition of ‘The British Weekly’ which said.
“Pastors spend a lot of time to prepare their sermons. However, I have attended worship service for 30 years and have listened to more than 3000 sermons. And the amazing truth is that I can’t remember a single sermon among those I have listened to. This leads me to think that it would be more beneficial for pastors to spend their time elsewhere.”
Due to this letter there was a heated dispute that arose between pastors and members. At that time, one letter silenced the dispute.
“It has been 30 years since I’ve been married. During that time I have eaten my wife’s cooked food 32,850 times. However, the amazing truth is that I can’t remember a single meal among those many meals I’ve eaten. However, if it weren’t for those meals I would have died of malnourishment and starvation.”
Just as we become nourished when we consistently eat, so we also become spiritually nourished and grow when we daily read the Word and listen to the Word of God preached in worship services.

? Dreams - 4)
Philippians 2:13 says “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Therefore, dreams and desires are the “bowls that carry out God’s will”.
Just as we cannot collect water even though rain falls from the sky, if we don’t prepare a bowl, so if we don’t have dreams we cannot fulfill God’s good pleasing will. When we prepare a bowl of dreams, the Holy Spirit of creation, works in our lives and God’s creative work comes to pass and we reap abundant fruit.

? Write down your dreams - 4)
Laurie Beth Jones the CEO of Jones Group and the author of The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and for Life states “writing down your mission statement brings miracles.”
She states that when a specific goal has been set, we should post it on our sinks, mirrors, television monitors, doors, dashboards and places where we will often see them. In addition, we should write it on a piece of paper the size of a name card and carry it around with us in our wallets. In this manner whether big or small if we let our goal be known to those around us and constantly remind ourselves of our goals, that goal will embed itself in our thoughts and make a creative force in us.
USA Today interviewed people regarding new years’ resolutions in 2002, and they divided the people interviewed into two groups: those who wrote down their new year’s resolution and those who only kept it in their minds. However, upon examining their lives 1 year later, only 4% of those who had not written down their goals were able to reach them, whereas 46% of those who had written down their goals were able to reach them.

? The Bible is our strength - 4)
In recent times, there has been an increase in the number of “Hoo, Tak” Christians, who do not read the Bible during the week because they are too busy, and then look for their Bibles from their shelves or cars when Sunday comes around. And after blowing the dust off their Bibles with a “Hoo” and slapping their Bibles with a “Tak” they take their Bibles, which is why they are called “Hoo, Tak” Christians.
However, people who believe that they can live without the Word of God are foolish people. If we do not eat of God’s word, our souls become thirsty and lose strength.
Pastor Billy Graham states that “90% of the problems in our lives happen because we do not read the Bible, which is the Word of God”.
The Bible is a strength that is given to us. We must take time to read the Bible diligently and proclaim it with our lips. Then God’s amazing power will transform us and our lives.

Jesus beneath the mountain and Jesus on top of the mountain
(Luke 9:28-36)

Beings that live within time and space will someday experience death. It is very distressing for two lovers to be temporarily separated, much more, is it hard to imagine that we cannot ever see the loved one again due to death. However there is a person who is able to freely cross the boundary of life and death. That person is the only son of God, Jesus Christ.

1. The birth and death of Adam and Eve
1) Adam was created in God’s likeness so that he would live eternally 2) Sin and death - Adam’s sin and death (Genesis 3:17-19) 3) The first death - Cain murders his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8)

2. Death entered the world through sin
1) The death of the spirit 2) The physical death
3) Every living thing in the third dimensional world came to experience death
4) Because of man, all creation became enemies of God (Romans 8:21-22)

3. Harmony with God through Jesus’ cross
1) By the blood of the cross, we experience atonement for death and reconciled to God
(Romans 5:8-10)
2) The cost of death is death and the grace of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord
(Romans 6:23)

4. The life of Jesus beneath the mountain and on top of the mountain
1) On top of the mountain there was the presence of God and the saints being saved
Beneath the mountain, it was filled with sin, disease, the Devil, death and suffering (Luke 9:28-31)

5. God who raised us up to the top of the mountain
1) If the Lord desired he could have crossed over to heaven any time he wished.
However, he toiled beneath the mountain to the end because he loved sinners (1 John 4:9-10)
2) At the end of his public ministry, he announced that the fearful suffering of the cross was awaiting him (Phil. 2:6-8)
3) Along with physical life, man also possesses spiritual life (John 11:25-26)

God created the world and man as his masterpiece and loved his creation. Adam and Eve who became slaves of sin brought about an unspeakable suffering to God the Father and Jesus. However, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit made a resolute sacrifice, giving up life to save sinners.