Liberation and Freedom
(Luke 4:16-21)

From the birth, people live under the oppression of the devil so that they live under the sufferings brought by the devil that steals from, kills and destroys us. Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God the Father who came to give us liberation and freedom from such life. It was a declaration of war against the kingdom and authority of the devil, and this war brought us liberation and freedom.

1. The Spirit of the Lord is on me
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of liberation and freedom, and the church filled with the Holy Spirit is a church where people go to worship and are given liberation and freedom from the suffering and dominion of Satan (Luke 4:18)
1) He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor
① The poor in spirit ? Those who have no communion with God due to sin and are thirsty for the Word
② The poor in soul ? Those who are poor in their mind because they have no hope, joy and peace
③ The poor in the body ? Those who are weak in their body, those who are diseased
④ The poor in life ? Those whose life is difficult
2) Freedom from the prisoners of Satan
Prisoners from hate, rage, resentment, depression and sin, immorality, wretchedness, curse, hopelessness, poverty and disease (Galatians 5:1)
3) Recovery of sight for the blind
The spirit died because of sin was regenerated and attained eternal life (John 3:5-8)

2. To release the oppressed
1) If we are oppressed our energy is drained ? The devil’s oppression is his worst trick
2) Politically communist and authoritarian, a religious false prophet (Acts 10:38)

3. To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
1) Abraham’s era was the era of the conscience
2) The era after Jesus’ era was the era of grace ? grace is the giving of life freely, we are saved when we know, and believe in the grace given to us freely (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Jesus teaches that the work of salvation has been fully completed through him and that there is no burden on us, except that we believe in him in order to attain salvation. And the church of our Lord is not a place where we simply keep certain laws and ritual, but the place where people who have lived several thousand years under the oppression of Satan believe in Jesus and are freed from the power of Satan to live in the presence of the Holy Spirit.