Jesus and Nicodemus
(John 3:1-15)

When Jesus had a conversation with Nicodemus, there was a river between them that could not be crossed. Just as a person with no eyes cannot see and a person with no ears cannot hear, Nicodemus who died spiritually, could not understand Jesus who was giving a spiritual message. All Adam’s children were born in sin with a dead spirit, consequently, they could not understand Jesus’ divine message.

1. Adam’s change caused by sin
A) A man of God created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
B) By committing sin, the spirit died and departed from God and man was cut off from a relationship with God (Genesis 2:17)
C) The earth was given to humanity, but Adam became a slave to the devil and handed over the earth to the devil, and becoming a man of Satan, fell into a live filled with all kinds of sin (Ephesians 2:2-3)

2. Jesus who came to save humans
A) The Jews who were indifferent towards Jesus’ teaching ? the level of existence was different, so conversation was impossible; there is no way for a man from the 3rd dimension to understand a person from the 4th dimensional world (John 3:3-4; 10-12)
B) the atonement of Jesus ? After Jesus endured suffering like when Moses hung the snake on a piece of wood in the wilderness, our spirits were revived and our dialogue with heaven became possible again (John 3:14-15)

3. The Identity of the life changed by believing in Jesus
A) Born again ? the old person (2 Corinthians 5:17)
B) A person of the spirit ? a person of the flesh (John 3L5-6)
C) A person born of the Holy Spirit ? a person born of the flesh, A person of God ? Man, A 4th Dimensional Person - A 3rd Dimensional Person

4. Spiritual elements of the 4th Dimension
A) Thinking, Dreams, Faith, Words (Colossians 3:1-2)
B) The authority to govern the lower dimension, which follows the principle of the higher dimension.
Jesus governed all things with his words (Mark 4:39)

In the 4th dimension, thinking, dreams, faith and words govern the 3rd dimensional world
If we properly understand the incarnation of God, we will experience amazing things in our faith.