Faith That Works
(Mark 11:12-14, 20-25)

When Jesus was walking with his disciples one day, he saw a fig tree in the distance and walked towards it. But the fig tree had only leaves and no fruit. Then Jesus pronounced upon the fig tree “From now, no one will eat of your fruit again” and the fig tree withered.

1. A miracle of change appearing in an ordinary life
1) There is a great power appearing when we express thoughts that have a goal (Mark 11:13-14, 20-21)
2) A lifestyle that produces no fruit and only leaves will result in the Lord’s rebuke (Luke 13:6-7)
3) The 3rd dimensional physical world is under the dominion of the 4th dimensional spiritual world (Genesis 1:2)

2. A spiritual person who rules over the third dimensional world
1) As people of the spirit we must have faith in God. Faith means thinking, dreaming, speaking and acting of things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17-18)
2) We must have faith in our dreams and visions which have a goal and give commands in accordance with our faith (Mark 11:23-24)
3) When we fight doubt with words of faith, Satan flees (James 4:7)

3. A condition that faith works in
1) Hatred interferes with the work of faith. Hatred makes us give in to the attack of the devil and brings fear and worry so that our faith crumbles (Colossians 3:8, Proverbs 10:12)
2) Faith comes from love. When we think about how God loves us, a burning faith appears. When we think about how God is all powerful, we can have faith that he is able to solve all of our problems (Romans 8:39; Hebrews 11:6)
3) If we have discord with our neighbors due to hatred and disputes, then faith which comes from love disappears. Thus faith and hope display their power on the foundation of love (Colossians 3:13-14)

Jesus stated, “if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them” (Mark 11:23). Therefore if we think, dream, believe, and speak then it will happen. Jesus also stated, “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). Above all, we must live with faith. If we use our faith, we can experience the grace of God even in the ordinary activities of our daily lives.