Here comes that Dreamer!
(Gen. 37:12~20)

Among Jacob’s 12 sons, his 11th son Joseph once had a dream of his brothers’ sheaves of grain bowing down to his sheaf of grain, and another dream of the sun and moon and eleven stars bowing down to him. By telling his dream to his brothers, he stirred up their hatred and had to experience a lot of hardships in his life. However, the dream that he carried in his heart helped him overcome all the trials in his life and bring about amazing fruit. Through the cross of Calvary, Jesus planted the seed of the five-fold gospel. If we keep the five-fold gospel in our hearts, we can bear the fruit of life in our lives.

1. Joseph’s dream and future

1) Seeds have an amazing life force. When you plant a seed in the ground, the sapling breaks through the tough skin of the seed and makes its way through the dirt which is several hundred times heavier than itself. When it shows its face, the seed overcomes countless difficulties and bears fruit.
2) Dreams are the key to tomorrow. The seed of a dream was planted in Joseph’s heart and afterwards there came immense difficulties. However, Joseph’s dream helped him overcome all difficulties and become a plant that flowered and brought about an amazing fruit in his life. (Gen. 41:41~43)

2. Endure, planting the seed of dream in the heart

1) Abraham’s prayer without a dream, and his prayer with a dream ? we must plant seeds of a dream, and constantly look to it as we pray. When we look to the dream and pray, it bears fruit. (Gen. 15:4~5)
2) Abraham prayed while holding on to his dream and so received a child at the age of 100. (Rom. 4:18~21)

3. The cross on Calvary to bear fruit of life

1) Our Lord who comes to us through the five-fold Gospel? Jesus gave us the seeds of salvation, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, healing, abundance, and resurrection. (Rom. 8:1~2)
2) The five-fold Gospel bears the fruit of holistic salvation. (3 John 1:2)
3) When we plant the seed in our hearts, think of it, dream of it, believe it, and speak of it, the Holy Spirit will make it come to pass and bring overflowing fruit in our lives. (1 Cor. 2:9)

Joseph’s brothers schemed to kill him and said, “Here comes that dreamer! Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns…Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.” However, what do you think became of his dream? His dream did not die. It was planted as a seed and it bore amazing fruits by the work of God. Dreams do not despair no matter what kind of difficulties may come. They overcome all difficulties, grow like plants, bloom like flowers, and bear abundant fruits in our lives.