Regeneration and the Holy Spirit
(John 3:1~15)

Nicodemus, a Pharisee, went to Jesus in the evening. Although Jesus spoke about regeneration, Nicodemus was unable to understand what Jesus said to him. The kingdom of heaven is not something that can be known by the sense, and it is not an object of reason. If you are not born of the Holy Spirit, you cannot understand spiritual things. This is because the dimension itself is different. From the 3rd dimensional world, we cannot know about things in the 4th dimension and beyond. Only when we are born again as a 4th dimensional person through the Holy Spirit can we know of the 4th dimensional world.

1. The world of the Holy Spirit
1) The Old Testament age places emphasis on the ministry of God the Father. And it shows that Jesus, the Son and the Holy Spirit also worked together. (Gen. 1:1~2)
2) Jesus’ 3 years of public ministry in the earth places emphasis on the ministry of Jesus the Son, and shows God the Father and the Holy Spirit working together as well. (Acts 10:38)
3) After Jesus, the age of the church was called the age of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit worked in the frontlines and God the Father and Jesus the Son also worked together with Him. (Acts 1:8)

2. The Holy Spirit who is another Counselor
1) The Holy Spirit is Jesus in spirit form. Just as Jesus helped us as a comforter, the Holy Spirit also helps us as another Comforter. The Holy Spirit preaches and teaches the same thing as Jesus. (John 14:16, 16:13~14)
2) The Holy Spirit gives courage and strength to believers, along with spiritual gifts, wisdom, intelligence, abilities, ideas, talents, revelations and power. (1 Cor. 12:8~11)

3. The relationship between the Holy Spirit and us
1) We must accept the Holy Spirit the same way we would accept Jesus. (John 14:26)
2) We must wait for the word of rhema that the Holy Spirit brings. And no matter what we must ask for and wait for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 4:31)
3) The Holy Spirit aids us so that we can trust in the work of the blood of Jesus’ cross, and obey him, and desires for us to follow God’s will so that we might experience holistic salvation. (Rom. 8:14~15)

After Jesus, the Holy Spirit came as another Helper and has been working among us for 2,000 years. If we repent of our sins, empty our hearts, and earnestly ask for him he will move in and out of us, fill us, change us, and make us live creative lives.