Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually, and Give Thanks in All Circumstances
(1 Thessalonians 5:16~18)

As we live our lives, there are times when sorrow dampens our hearts like the rainy spell. Sorrow takes away the will to live and causes various diseases. We must turn over the devil’s teacup which is sorrow. This is because if we continue to drink out of the teacup of sorrow, we will miss peace and happiness altogether in life. We must stand against and cast out sorrow, and fill our hearts to the brim with joy. We cannot find joy with worldly wealth, fame, and glory. We can find true joy by the grace of Jesus’ precious blood, infinite love of God the Father, and the work of the Holy Spirit who embraces our spirits like the wind. Also, in order to be always joyful and to give thanks in all circumstances in our lives, prayer is a must. Therefore, look to the dream of a brilliant rainbow and pray continually.

1. Joy and thanksgiving always go together
1) We can always pray. We can pray to God with thanksgiving and praise, pray to him to solve our problems, and ask for all of our needs. (John 16:24)
2) When we pray, we must give thanks for the grace and blessings that were granted by God. (Philippians 4:6)
3) Without joy, we cannot give thanks. Without thanksgiving, we cannot be joyful. God is pleased with and answers our prayer of joy and thanksgiving that go together. (Colossians 3:16~17)

2. Decide to delight and give thanks
1) We can be delighted when we believe in God who calls things that are not as though they were. (Rom. 4:17)
2) Joy and thanksgiving cast out the works of the devil fundamentally. (1 John 5:18)
3) We must decide to live a life of joy and thanksgiving. Otherwise, we will look at things negatively and speak negative words unknowingly. (Ephesians 5:4)
4) Joy, prayer, and thanksgiving always go hand in hand. (1 Thessalonians 5:16~18)

3. Laughter and joy
Laughter brings joy in our hearts and greatly influences our health. According to a scientific research, people who laugh are healthier and live longer than people who do not. Therefore, we must always live joyfully for our health and mind.

Sorrow, negative thoughts and words are the weapons of the devil that make our lives sink deep into the mire. In order to stand against the devil, we must decide to delight. If we are always joyful, and if we pray and give thanks in all circumstances, we can live a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even our souls are getting along well.