Comfort to Heal a Soul
(2 Corinthians 1:2~5)

If a mother cuddles and pats a child sobbing and squirming, the child stops crying at the drop of a hat and cracks a smile like the clear blue sky without clouds. When adolescents are teased and bullied by their friends in school, the adolescents gradually become violent. After coming home, if their hearts are not soothed and comfort is not provided through a conversation with parents, they will easily become rebellious and disobedient. Therefore, when our hearts are wounded, they must be healed soon. If wounded hearts are left alone and feelings of sorrow and depression deepen, people will become antisocial and antinational. A medicine that heals a wounded soul is “comfort”.

1. Where there is no faith, hope and love, there is no comfort
1) Faith is to commit everything to the Lord. (1 Peter 5:7)
2) A dream is a hope that you desire in your heart that things will come to pass. No matter how dark life circumstances may be, a person carrying a dream can endure every hardship and move forward. (Psalm 119:49~50)
3) When there is love, we can overcome any trials. (Ephesians 2:4~7)

2. The greatest faith, hope and love in Jesus
1) Jesus has become our salvation through the death on the cross and resurrection.
2) Jesus is our tremendous and eternal comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:5)

3. The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness
1) The Holy Spirit holds us to have positive thoughts of faith. (Romans 8:26~7)
2) The Holy Spirit governs us to live a life of joy and thanksgiving. (1 Thessalonians 1:3)
3) The Holy Spirit provides us with the resource of faith. (Ephesians 3:16~17)
4) Shout and give thanks and praise to God. (Colossians 3:16~17)

4. God is the God of all comfort
1) If we experience the comfort of God, we can overcome any trouble. (2 Corinthians 1:3~4)
2) Christianity is a religion of reconciliation and comfort. (Colossians 1:20, 1 John 4:10~11)

Historically, our people went through a lot of suffering because of war. However, we are well-off today by the grace of God. Moreover, we are able to lend a helping hand to the countries that are suffering. As people who have received love and comfort of God, we must become Good Samaritans who share love and comfort and take care of our neighbors in trouble.