A Self-Portrait
(2 Co. 5:17)

People check where they stand in life through their self-portrait consciously or unconsciously. A self-portrait means to check what kind of person you are by learning things, having feelings, and looking into yourself among people throughout life. A person who has a positive self-portrait uses language and displays actions that are bright and pleasant. On the other hand, a person who has a negative self-portrait suffers from feelings of inferiority and shame so that he lives a dark and gloomy life. Then, what kind of self-portrait do you have?

1. My self-portrait
1) A positive self-portrait (1 Peter 2:9)
① A self-portrait of being able to receive love ② A self-portrait of can-do
③ A self-portrait of a person being respected ④ A self-portrait of a successful member of society
2) A negative self-portrait (Num. 13:32~33)
① A self-portrait of a person being hated ② A self-portrait filled with a sense of defeat
③ A self-portrait of an incompetent person ④ A self-portrait of being a failure

2. A self-portrait that determines our lives
1) A self-portrait greatly influences our life. A person with a positive self-portrait makes himself and his life in line with his self-portrait. (Phil. 4:13)
2) A person with a negative self-portrait speaks and acts in line with his self-portrait. Many problems of sin have its roots in a negative self-portrait. (Mark 7:21~23)

3. To change the life
1) David moved forward boldly with a positive self-portrait of “I am the person God accompanies” and gained victory in his battle with Goliath. (1 Sam. 17:45~47)
2) We must have a self-portrait that we have become the children of God by believing in Jesus.
① We are the people who have gained righteousness and holiness in Jesus. (Eph. 1:4~5)
② We are the people who have received health and the blessing of prosperity in Jesus. (3 John 1:2)
③ We are the people who have a life of resurrection in Jesus. (Rom. 8:11)

By believing in Jesus, we have put off the old self who lived by following the descendents of Adam and put on the new self who was made with the Holy Spirit by being cleansed with the precious blood of Jesus. This is the right self-portrait that we should have as the children of God. We must live a life where we carry a happy self-portrait, are always joyful, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances.