Let’s Live the New Year like This
(Josh. 1:1~9)

Nowadays many people live without dreams and goals because they have lost hope in despair. God does not seek pessimists who accept opportunities as difficulties, but seeks the people of positive faith who accept difficulties as opportunities. He works with people who carry dreams. He told Joshua, who had the promised land of Canaan before his eyes, “Be strong and courageous because I will be with you.” This is the word that He is giving us today. We need to welcome the new year with hopeful dreams because God is with us.

1. Have a clear goal
1) In order to live a successful life, we must have clear goals first. (Josh. 1:3~4)
2) People who have clear goals do not give up even if they face various obstacles in the race of life. By running to the end toward their goals, they live a victorious life.

2. Press on toward the goal
1) A goal informs us of which direction we need to run to. (Phil. 3:13~14)
2) People who have clear goals do not waste their materials, time, and efforts, but are able to concentrate on their goals. In addition, they can measure their levels of accomplishment with their goals after they have achieved them.

3. Have a dream
1) A dream is a vessel of accomplishment. God fills and gives various good things into the vessel of dream. Therefore, we must move forward by carrying dreams. (Ps. 81:10)
2) A dream is the way of working with God. (Phil. 2:13)
3) A dream is the language of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit looks at dreams in our hearts and brings the amazing work of creation in our life according to our dreams. (Acts 2:17)
4) People without dreams cast off restraint, living a life in failure. (Prov. 29:18)

The Bible likens our life to running. A goal and direction are important when running. When we set right goals and run toward those goals, we can live a successful and victorious life. Because God has given us the new year as a gift, we must run vigorously in the Lord with dreams and goals. Let us all become the people of dreams and hopes in the new year.