Suffering as a Seed of Thanksgiving and Joy
(Ps. 107:4~7)

There is no reaping without sowing. As there is a saying “As one sows, so shall he reap,” reaping what is sowed is the law of the nature. Our lives are much the same. As we welcome the new year, “what we sow today” will determine “what we reap after one year.” Therefore, we need to sow what we clearly want.

1. Suffering as a gift given by God

1) Suffering is to make us grow. Therefore, we need to accept suffering as God’s gift.
2) When we face sufferings, we must put on the clothes of thanksgiving and joy and give thanks for every small and big thing. Then, the devil that disturbs our lives will flee away. (1 Thess. 5:16~18)
3) We should not blame others for our sufferings, but repent of our sins. (1 John 1:9)
4) We must pray for God’s deliverance from our sufferings. (Ps. 107:4~7)

2. Accept suffering with thanksgiving

1) We need to believe in God who is good and accept our sufferings with thanksgiving. (Rom. 8:28)
2) If we give thanks in our sufferings, God will fill us with good things. (Ps. 37:4~6)

3. Benefit of suffering

1) Sufferings allowed by God are for our benefits. (Ps. 119:71)
2) Moses became a leader of Israel after passing through the desert of suffering. Also, David became a king who was after God’s heart after passing through the desert of suffering. (Deut. 8:16)

There are ups and downs as we live our lives. If we complain and groan when facing sufferings, our hearts become negative and our life will end in failure. However, if we give thanks and be joyful when facing sufferings, the works of God in life began to take place because our hearts become positive and faith comes. Whether we are going through ups or downs in life, everything will work for the good for the people who are with God. Therefore, we must sow the seeds of joy and thanksgiving when going through the tunnel of sufferings. Then, our good God will grant us much more thanksgiving and joy by turning sufferings into blessings.