The Weary and Burdened
(Matt. 11:28~30)

People who are born as the descendants of Adam cannot be freed from the burden of life. They are living a weary life with laborious and heavy burdens every day. Jesus is giving us an amazing invitation today. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Only Jesus can give us true rest.

1. A laborious and heavy burden

1) Because of Adam’s sin, all human beings live by carrying the burdens of sins and transgressions, diseases and pain, curses and poverty, and death and nothingness. (Ps. 51:5)
2) There is no one who can put down these burdens on their own. So people are living a tiring life in anxiety and fear. (Gen. 3:17~19)

2. I am gentle and humble in heart

1) We must come to Jesus to put down laborious and heavy burdens. The devil’s heart is greed and avarice, and Jesus’ heart is gentle and humble. Therefore, we must get rid of greed and avarice and come to Jesus with a heart of gentleness and humbleness. (Phil. 2:6~8)
2) Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul.” When we are gentle and humble in heart, we can take Jesus’ yoke upon us and find rest. (Matt. 11:29~30)

3. My yoke is easy and my burden is light

1) As the Lamb of God, Jesus carried all of our burdens by taking away the sin of the world and dying on the cross. (Ps. 55:22)
2) We can now dream of hope in the Lord. Having an attitude of gentleness and humbleness and not letting go of hope are important. Even if we are in a difficult situation, we must not be discouraged, but hold onto hope to the end. (Jer. 29:11)

People who are weary and burdened must come to Jesus. Then, they can enjoy true rest and peace in Jesus. We should never give up or be discouraged even if the burden of life oppresses us. We need to be determined to look to Jesus and choose dreams and hopes. Then, God will look at our dreams and hopes and work amazing things.