God Who Works through Our Dream
(Phil. 2:13)

God works through our dreams. God made Abraham as the forefather of faith by giving him dreams and made Joseph as the Prime Minister of Egypt by giving him dreams. In addition, when liberating the Israelites who worked as slaves in Egypt, God did not just bring them out of there, but first planted a dream of beautiful Canaan flowing with milk and honey in their hearts.

1. A land flowing with milk and honey
1) The Israelites who suffered in Egypt were excited about the word of God that He will lead them to the land flowing with milk and honey. They boldly took steps of faith with hopeful dreams and finally entered the promised land.
2) God is leading us through our dreams today. (Phil. 2:13)

2. Abraham, our forefather of faith
1) When God called Abraham, our forefather of faith, He gave him dreams. God gave goals of life and dreams to Abraham who was chosen by Him. (Gen. 12:1)
2) God said to Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” (Gen. 12:2)
3) God said He will take care of the disturbance of the gentiles. (Gen. 12:3)
4) Abraham disobeyed God because his faith had become weak. God said to Abraham, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household,” so he took his nephew with him. When there was a famine, he went down to Egypt with human wisdom. (Gen. 12:10~13)

3. Thinking, dream, faith and creative declaration
1) God took Abraham outside and said, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars?if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be.” (Gen. 15:4~5)
2) Abraham believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness. (Gen. 15:6)

God is working through our dreams today. A life without dreams is constantly shaken by big and small storms of life. However, a life with dreams does not fall even when facing sufferings and hardships. If we moved forward in faith with dreams in the Lord, we can overcome every difficulty and live our lives where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.