What You Think Comes True
(Prov. 4:23)

As we live our lives, things such as who we become friends with and what kind of books we read are very important. However, things such as “what kind of thoughts we have and whether or not we have dreams” are more important. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” (Prov. 4:23) What we think in our hearts happens in our life. Then, how can we guard our thinking? We can do so by looking to the cross of Jesus in our daily lives.

1. Fill your mind with thinking of the cross of Jesus

1) Think positively ? If we think of our Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, our hearts are filled with thoughts of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing. (Eph. 1:7)
2) Think with faith ? Even if people say it cannot be done, Christians must think with faith that believes God and not with things that we see with our eyes. (John 11:40)
3) There are thoughts of I “can do it” and I “can’t do it.” When the Lord asks, “Can you do it?” what kind of answer should we give him? (John 6:5~10)

2. Think, dream and believe

1) Thinking leads us to dream dreams, and if we dream dreams, faith comes. We must rely on the cross of Jesus and have thoughts of faith such as “we can do it, it will be done when we do it, and let’s do it.” If we move forward with dreams, God will be with us. (Phil. 2:13)
2) D.L. Moody said, “Worldly people believe what they see, but believers see what they believe.” If we look to our circumstances we see with our eyes, we will have a grasshopper self-portrait. However, if we look to God we believe in, problems around us will look like food. Therefore, we must always look to the redemptive grace of Jesus’ cross.

People always live their lives the way they want to. However, if we live with human thoughts, we cannot please God and live a happy life. We must always fill our thoughts with the cross of Jesus. Because Jesus loves us and had finished everything on the cross, we must now think, dream, believe, and move forward in Christ. The only thing we can do is to pray by only relying on the Lord. This is because God has promised us that He will answer our prayers when see pray and seek.