Praise the Lord, O My Soul
(Ps. 103:1~5)

We must lift up and praise our great God and let His great name be known in the world. It is never enough to praise for the grace of the Lord God who created and takes care of us. We should never forget to give thanks to and praise God.

1. Thanksgiving not to be forgotten
1) Human beings easily forget thankfulness. Despite the fact that we grew by love and dedication of our parents and teachings of teachers, we do not give thanks for their grace but forget it. In addition, even when we have received God’s infinite grace and care, we live by forgetting thankfulness.
2) Giving thanks to God is to honor God. God shows salvation and gives blessings to those who come to God with thanksgiving. (Ps. 50:23)

2. Thanksgiving to drive the devil out
1) The devil took away thankfulness from Adam and Eve and gave them a heart of resentment and complaint.
2) If we lose thankfulness, we will fall into the devil’s trap. But, if we commit everything to, praise, and give thanks to God in our sufferings, the devil will flee away. (Ps. 37:8)

3. Thanksgiving to serve God properly
1) Thanksgiving is to lift up and please God. It is our duty to serve God with thanksgiving and praise. (Ps. 145:1~2)
2) We must praise God and forget not all His benefits. (Ps. 103:1~5)
① Remember and give thanks for the grace of healing all diseases and of forgiveness of sins.
② Give thanks for redeeming our life from the pit and for granting love and compassion.
③ Give thanks for satisfying our desires with good things and for overflowing breath of life.

Colossians 2:6~7 state, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. We should not stop having a heart of deep thanksgiving toward God and should not stop using a language of thanksgiving. Our life becomes beautiful when thanksgiving is joined with our faith. If we always remember and give thanks for the grace of God, things to be thankful for will come to us.