Repentance, Forgiveness, a New Person
(Luke 15:11~32)

Jesus taught many parables. Among them, there is a story of a father who embraced his son with love after the son returned from his wild living. There was a man who had two sons. The younger son received his inheritance in advance, set off for a distant country, and lived a life of profligacy. When he squandered his wealth and had nothing to eat, he repented and came back to his father. His father embraced him with forgiveness and love, but his older brother became angry and did not forgive him. If there is no forgiveness with one another, we cannot move forward because we are bound by the past. Love and forgiveness are the ways to heal conflicts and wounds of many individuals, households and societies.

1. Love as the fruit of forgiveness
1) Love and forgiveness come from the process of repentance. (Luke 17:3)
2) When I forgive my neighbors, God forgives me. (Matt. 6:14~15)
3) Jesus spoke to us about endless forgiveness. (Matt. 18:21~22)
4) Sincere repentance and forgiveness open the door of love. (Gen. 42:20~25)

2. A condition to the answered prayer
1) In order to have our prayers answered by God, there are things that we need to do first.
2) We must turn from wicked ways, humble ourselves, and pray. Then, God will hear us, forgive our sins, and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14~15)

3. Jesus and forgiveness
1) Jesus had forgiven sins first before He healed diseases. (James 5:15~16)
2) Jesus is waiting for us to repent of our sins and come forward. (John 8:7~9)
3) Even on the cross, Jesus had forgiven the crowds and soldiers who mocked Him. He wants to not give up on sinners to the end and forgive them. (Luke 23:34~37)

To live in a world like the stormy Sea of Galilee, we must love and forgive one another. When we forgive one another and are forgiven, we can stand up again by holding onto ties of love. Forgiveness to get rid of sins of hatred and resentment because of God’ loving hand. Jesus’ suffering is demanding of our forgiveness. When we experience Jesus’ love shown to us through the suffering on the cross, we can forgive and love others.