Happiness Comes from Sharing
(Luke 6:38)

Happiness comes to not a life of holding onto things, but a life of sharing. Some people say that they cannot share things because they have nothing. However, we do not have to have much in order to share. If we give and share small things with each other, we can all live warmer and happier lives. If we share faith, hope, and love, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into our laps by the Lord.

1. The “I can’t” mentality produces nothing
1) If you have “I can’t” mentality, you will be overwhelmed by a sense of defeat. When the twelve spies went to the land of Canaan for exploration, ten of the spies departed with the eyes of “I can’t”. As a result, they only saw the things that they cannot do. (Num. 13:31~33)
2) Joshua and Caleb went with the eyes of “we can do it because God is with us.” So they were able to look at everything with faith. (Josh. 1:5~6)
3) God is with us who are His children. In addition, he passionately loves us. Everything is possible for our God. We as the children of God must move forward, firmly believing in God’s love and omnipotence. (Mark 9:23)

2. Embrace the future with dreams
1) We must dream of the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey, and move forward with faith. (Num. 14:7~9)
2) People who God is pleased with live by faith. Faith is to look to God who calls things that are not as though they were and to rely on Him. Jesus asked, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” Phillip answered, “I can’t.” However, Andrew did the best he could. (John 6:5~9)

3. Give and it will be given to you
1) We must live a life that shares faith, hope, and love. (John 13:34~35)
2) We must live a life of sharing according to God’s will. (Heb. 13:16)
3) The devil brings anxiety, fear, and unfaithfulness. The Holy Spirit brings peace, joy, and assurance. We must follow the Holy Spirit, another Counselor. (John 16:33)

The kingdom of God is the kingdom of sharing. God has given us His son, Jesus. Jesus has given us His life. Therefore, we who are the children of God must live our lives by sharing faith, hope, and love with dreams. This is God’s will for us.