Jesus Who Tested Philip
(John 6:1~13)

The world is facing considerable economic hardship now. Politicians and economists in every country are worried, predicting a gloomy future. However, people who believe in God must not look at all situations with the eyes of human beings, but with the eyes of faith.

1. What should we think at a time like this?

1) When Jesus saw that the people who were following Him were hungry, He asked Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” Jesus said this to test Philip. (John 6:5~6)
2) Because Philip thought in reasonable, sensible, and third dimensional ways, he answered, “Eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.” (John 6:7)
3) Andrew also thought in the third dimensional way. His thoughts were better than Phillip. Andrew relied on Jesus, but did not expect miracles just like Philip. (John 6:8~9)
4) In the battle between the Philistines and the Israelites, David relied on God and boldly moved forward by declaring that the battle is the Lord’s. (1 Sam. 17:45~47)

2. Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever

1) Jesus received a boy’s five small barley loaves and two small fish, and fed thousands of people. Even if we give small things to Jesus, Jesus will receive them and grant amazing blessings. (John 6:10~11)
2) Jesus had all people to eat enough, and twelve baskets were left over. We must dream of, believe in, and confess Jesus’ abundant grace. (John 6:12~13)

3. We should have thoughts positive and hopeful

1) Do not look to desperate circumstances such as the desert where there is nothing and the lack of finance. In order to do so, we must believe in the fivefold gospel based on Jesus’ cross. (Luke 12:29~30)
2) Even though we are in the empty desert, we must look to Jesus who is with us. People think in the third dimensional ways. However, the Lord’s thoughts go beyond the third dimension. (Mark 9:21~23)

While living on this land, Jesus went through all sufferings that human beings face. In addition, He helped people who were facing various trials in life. When we believe in Jesus, we must not fall in despair no matter what kind of situations we may face. In this world, there are a life of faith and a life that lives by groaning, saying “I cannot do it, it will not be done, and it is desperate.” What kind of thoughts do you have and what kind of words do you speak? We must get rid of discouragement, despair, and sorrow. We must think and speak with faith.