Life Passing through the Wilderness
(Exodus 13:17~22)

For the past many years, our country has achieved dazzling economic developments. The export boom that lasted for a while gave us confidence. Our country was a recipient country. But, we have become a donor country by joining the ranks of advanced countries. Recently, a sudden cold wave has landed. Production and export sectors are struggling and large-scale unemployment is expected. In this kind of situation, what do we need to do? People who believe in God do not need to be afraid no matter how difficult their situations may be. This is because our helping God is with us.

1. God’s help in the Exodus

1) When the Israelites who came out of Egypt were in a dilemma, God planted dreams in the hearts of the leader Moses and the people of Israel. (Exod. 14:13~14)
2) When the Israelites followed dreams, faith, and declarations given by God, they experienced salvation of amazing God who divided the Red Sea. (Exod. 14:30)

2. God’s help in Shur wilderness

1) The Israelites who went into the Desert of Shur could not find water for three days. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. When Moses prayed to God, God showed him a piece of wood. Moses threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. (Exod. 15:22~25)
2) God told the Israelites to live by listening to the word of God. God promised that He will heal them. (Exod. 15:26)

3. Go forward looking at God alone

1) When passing through the wilderness in life, we must guard our hearts. In addition, we must speak positive words of faith. This is because the authorities of death and life depend on our spoken words. (Prov. 6:2)
2) Not only the Israelites, but God was also in the desert. In addition, God sent manna and quail to His people. (Ps. 46:1)
3) God solves problems through the believers’ dreams, faith, and creative proclamation. Therefore, when passing through the wilderness in life, we must rely on God. Also, we must look to and believe in hopeful dreams. We must speak words that bring creative changes. (Heb. 11:6)


The will of God was to have the Israelites pass through the desert in order to enter the land of Canaan. The desert was the school that taught the people of Israel to rely only on God. When we go through the wilderness in life, we must not fall in despair, but learn how to seek and walk with God.