Do Not Forget All His Benefits
(Ps. 103:2)

People go everywhere if they can be healed of their pain in life. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He forgave sins, healed diseases, and solved problems of life. So there were always a throng of people in places where Jesus was. Psalm predicted this kind of ministry, and says to not forget the Lord’s benefits and give thanks to and praise the Lord.

1. He forgives all your sins
1) Only God can forgive sins. In order to forgive our sins, God paid the price where He had His Son to die on the cross. For the wages of sin is death, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. (Heb. 9:22)
2) Fear exists where there is sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, fear came into their hearts. So they avoided God and hid behind a tree in the garden. Without solving the problems of sin, no one can come before God. (Gen. 3:10)
3) Even the Son of God struggled to carry our sins. (Mark 14:33~36)
4) A criminal who was nailed with Jesus entered into paradise by accepting Jesus. Because we have also received this kind of grace, we must give thanks to and praise the Lord. (Luke 23:42~43)

2. He heals all your diseases
1) God called Himself “the Lord Rapha,” which means God who heals. (Exod. 15:26)
2) Jesus forgave sins and healed diseases. Diseases make our lives unfortunate. In order to take away diseases, Jesus was wounded. (1 Peter 2:24)

3. He redeems your life from the pit
1) Adam committed sin because his thought of trying to be equal to God. Adam was cursed with Satan and lived a life filled with thorns and thistles. (Gen. 3:17~19)
2) When the Israelites who spoke against God in the desert were dying because they were bitten by venomous snakes, they were able to live when they looked at a bronze snake on a pole. (Num. 21:5~9)
3) Likewise, people who look to Jesus’ hanging on the cross and believe in the redemptive grace can be freed from curses and receive the blessings of Abraham. (John 3:14~15)

Because of Adam’s sin, his descendants were all born in sin. In addition, thorns and thistles were produced because the land was cursed. So people are living tiring lives where they can eat food by the sweat of their brow. The fundamental problem of sin was solved by Jesus. Therefore, when we believe in Jesus, we can live a blessed life by being freed from curses.