It Is Finished
(John 19:30)

When God gave blessings to Abraham, He said to lift up his eyes and look east, west, south, and north. God promised that He will give the land to Abraham and to his children. Then, what do we need to look at? We must look at Jesus’ cross. After going through tremendous pain on the cross, Jesus said “it is finished” and gave up His spirit. We must believe in and look to this word declared by Jesus after He had completed His mission.

1. It is finished
1) Jesus took away our debts of sins by dying on the cross. (Heb. 9:22)
2) We are able to receive righteousness as a gift by believing in Jesus. (Eph. 2:8)

2. It is finished
1) Jesus washed and cleansed our transgressions with His blood. (Eph. 2:1)
2) We must live a life of holiness by getting rid of evil acts and relying on the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 4:22~24)

3. It is finished
1) Jesus took away debts of diseases by dying on the cross. (Isa. 53:5)
2) Jesus defeated diseases along with sins. (Luke 13:10~13)

4. It is finished
1) Jesus took away poverty and curses by dying on the cross. (2 Cor. 8:9)
2) We are able to receive the blessings of Abraham in Jesus Christ. (Gal. 3:13~14)

5. It is finished
1) By resurrecting after being buried for three days, Jesus preached that He is the resurrection and the life. In addition, He has moved us from death to life. (John 11:25~26)
2) We must think, dream, believe, and speak about our death with Jesus. (2 Cor. 4:10)

When Jesus said it is finished and gave up His spirit, the curtain between the Most Holy Place and the Holy Place that were in the house of God torn from top to bottom. The Most Holy Place is where God is. It is the place where high priests can enter with redemptive blood for the Israelites once a year. Jesus came to become a sacrifice for high priests, and gave eternal offering. So anyone can rely on the blood of Jesus and go before God.