The Atmosphere for Life and Happiness
(Ps. 103:1~5)

The third dimension world we live in has four seasons like spring, summer, fall, and winter. Atmospheres change depending on the season. There are all kinds of emotions of atmospheres when it comes to relationships among people, and people feel happy or unhappy depending on the atmosphere. The most important thing is the atmosphere of our meeting with God. There are atmospheres in the spiritual world of the fourth dimension. Even though we cannot see or touch atmospheres, the spiritual atmosphere is definitely different where the Holy Spirit is.

1. The atmosphere of heaven
1) Be joyful always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thess. 5:16~18)
2) If we give praise and are joyful because we are touched by the grace of looking to the endless love of the cross of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will make amazing atmosphere of grace. (Acts 16:25~26)
3) Make atmospheres of praying through family worships and early morning prayers. (Matt. 18:20)
4) Thanksgiving is the way to make a heavenly atmosphere. Because thanksgiving is like giving sacrifices to God, if we sacrifice thank offering, God will receive glory. (Ps. 50:23)

2. Heaven being presented through giving our thanks
1) When we repent sincerely and confess our thanks out loud, heaven comes. (Ps. 30:11~12)
2) God said, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” (Ps. 81:10)

3. Give thanks to God
1) Give thanks out loud and praise God for His grace. Thanksgiving of a woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and washed them with her hair touched the Lord. (Luke 7:37~38)
2) Lift up the Holy Spirit, another Counselor, who is with us and be filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ps. 103:1~5)

Giving thanks to God with all our hearts is like rolling out red carpets in order to invite God. If we go to God with genuine thanksgiving and praise, God will work amazing things in our life. If individuals, families, societies, and churches are filled with heavenly atmospheres through thanksgiving and prayers, we can live our lives joyfully and happily.