Seek God and You Will Live
(1 Cor. 2:9~10)

During our lifetime, there is almost no one who experience only good things. When big and small rocks are thrown in the water, they both sink with different sounds. Likewise, all people live by going through different pain. Sufferings in our lives are not useless. Sufferings wake us who are captivated by worldly desires, and make us to go before Jesus who gives light and the truth in life. Therefore, when facing sufferings, do not be discouraged and seek God.

1. In the time of trouble
1) As we live our lives, there are times when we go through trials that we cannot even imagine. It is good if we overcome those trials. Otherwise, we go through serious troubles. (Eccles. 7:13~14)
2) We are not alone in the midst of sufferings because God is with us. (John 14:18)

2. Wake Jesus
1) A furious squall was calmed with Jesus’ words. (Mark 4:39)
2) Jesus raised Lazarus who was dead for four days to life. (John 11:39~44)
3) We must pray to God. He is my refuge and my fortress, in whom I trust. (Ps. 91:3~11)

3. Advantage given by sufferings
1) Sufferings make us seek God. (Jer. 29:11~13)
2) Through sufferings, we get to repent and learn a life of faith and obedience. (Ps. 119:67)
3) Sufferings make formal faith into practical faith. (Job. 42:5)

Psalmist said, “Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” (Ps. 94: 17~19) We are not alone when we face sufferings. God helps and holds us by being with us. Therefore, do not be discouraged or fall in despair before sufferings. If we move forward by asking God’s help, we can be more than conquerors when it comes to sufferings.