An Ordinary Life and Faith
(Phil. 4:6~7)

In our lives, we have an ordinary life along with a life of faith. We work for six days, and worship God on the seventh day as Sunday. Also, in regards to our economic life, we give one tenth of our total income to God. In every area of our life, we must seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. For this kind of life of faith, there are things that we always need to do habitually.

1. Give thanks and praise to God
1) Paul and Silas gave thanks to and praised God even in the prison in Philippi. So there was a violent earthquake. All the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose. (Acts 16:25)
2) If we give thanks to God for small things, He allows bigger blessings. (Ps. 42:11)

2. Earnestly pray for your dreams to come true
1) Dreams are the things that you want and hope for. God works in you to will. (Phil. 2:13)
2) If you carry and look to dreams while praying, God will make them come true. (Phil. 4:6~7)

3. Believe things that are not as though they were
1) Jesus said, “It will be done just as you believed it would.” Just as flowers burst into bloom, faith bursts into bloom with peaceful scent in our hearts. (Rom. 4:17)
2) We must pray until we see and feel the things that are not as though they were. (Rom. 4:18~22)

4. Make the confession of your mouth
1) The Holy Spirit works according to our mouth confession. Therefore, we must always speak positive and active words of faith toward ourselves. (Mark 11:23)
2) We must speak positive words to and a compliment our neighbors. (James 5:16)
3) Furthermore, there is our mouth confession toward God. (Ps. 91:1~3)

In order to live a victorious life as Christians, we must always apply the fourth dimensional spirituality in life. Our mouth confession filled with absolute positive thoughts, clear dreams with goals, faith of assurance, thanksgiving, and praise will bring amazing changes and creation into our life.