Love and Forgiveness, Condemnation and Punishment
(Jon. 3:3~10)

We live our lives by experiencing conflicts between the inner person and the outer person. We usually think that the inner person is righteous and loyal, and the outer person is sinful, indulgent, and secular. The inner person compliments and thinks proud of others or oneself. On the other hand, the outer person condemns, criticizes, hates, and blames others. God wants us to live a life of forgiveness and love following the inner person before God or others.

1. Jonah’s anger and God’s Mercy
1) God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and declare that Nineveh will collapse after forty days due to people’s wickedness. (Jonah 1:1~2)
2) Jonah disobeyed God’s command and aboard a ship bound for Tarshish, not Nineveh. So God sent a great wind and the ship faced a crisis. (Jonah 1:3~4)
3) Jonah was thrown into the sea by sailors. God prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah, and made the fish to vomit him onto dry land. (Jonah 1:17)
4) Jonah wanted wicked people of Nineveh to be destroyed. But, God wanted to show love and mercy to the people living in Nineveh. (Jonah 4:1~3)

2. Abraham’s intercessory prayer and God’s forgiveness
1) God was determined to punish Sodom filled with sins. (Gen. 18:23~26)
2) As a result of Abraham’s request to God, Abraham received God’s promise that He will not punish Sodom if ten righteous people can be found in Sodom. (Gen. 19:29)

3. Repent sins and ask for God’s grace
1) The Pharisee exalted himself and boasted his righteousness because he was arrogant. (Luke 18:9~12)
2) The tax collector humbled himself, confessed his sins, and asked for God’s mercy. (Luke 18:13)
3) Jesus said that the tax collector received forgiveness of sins, and not the Pharisee. (Luke 18:14)

The cross of Calvary is the absolute symbol of God’s love and compassion. This cross is the place where Jesus was nailed for us, and sinners meet holy God. People who are filled with arrogance and boasting like the Pharisee cannot meet God. People who humble themselves and repent of their sins with humble hearts like the tax collector will receive God’s forgiveness and love.