Dreams and Sufferings
(Gen. 41:37~43)

Joseph was Jacob’s eleventh son among twelve sons. Jacob’s sons were shepherd boys, tending their father’s sheep. Among them, Joseph seemed to serve God well. One day, Joseph had dreams. His sufferings in life started due to those dreams. Achieving dreams began from sufferings.

1. Joseph who had dreams given by God
1) Joseph believed that his dreams were given by God. So he confessed such faith with his mouth by telling his brothers his dreams. (Gen. 37:6~7, 9)
2) Joseph had a dream that his brothers’ sheaves of grain surrounded and bowed down to his sheaf. Then, he had another dream that the sun and moon and eleven stars bowed down to him. When he told his dreams, his father rebuked him, but kept the matter in mind. We must hold onto the hand of the work of the Holy Spirit through our dreams, faith, and mouth confession. (Num. 14:28)

2. Sufferings being started with dreams
1) Joseph went to go see his brothers who were taking care of sheep as his father told him to. His brothers saw Joseph coming and said, “Let’s kill him and see what comes of his dreams.” (Gen. 37:18~20)
2) Joseph’s brothers stripped Joseph of his robe and threw him in the dry cistern. Then, they sold Joseph as a slave to Arabian merchants who were going down to Egypt. Joseph’s sufferings began with his dreams. However, a suffering is the process to achieve a dream. (Gen. 37:23~24)

3. God with us in our sufferings
1) Joseph who was sold as a slave to Potiphar’s house became an attendant who took care of all of his mater’s possessions. However, he was imprisoned due to slandering of Potiphar’s wife. (Gen. 39:4~5)
2) Joseph’s life was a series of scary sufferings. But, he was recognized as a great person in all areas because God was with him in his sufferings. (Gen. 39:20~23)

4. Dreams coming true by riding a chariot of suffering
1) Joseph interpreted dreams of two officials who were with him in prison. (Gen. 40:22~23)
2) Joseph became a prime minister who ruled over entire Egypt by interpreting a dream of Egypt’s king. Dreams are materialized through sufferings and the grace of the Holy Spirit. (Ps. 31:7~8)

Dreams given by God do not get materialized automatically. They are materialized by riding a chariot of sufferings and by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we must not be discouraged even when we are in the midst of sufferings. If we embrace dreams and move forward with faith, dreams come to pass because the Holy Spirit is with us.