Our Distress and God’s Mercy
(Rom. 8:32~39)

In this world, there is no one who likes distress. Men and women of all ages make efforts to avoid distress. However, since Adam committed sin, a life of distress that came from God’s judgment cannot be avoided by anyone. Sufferings and trials can come to us who believe in God. In particular, when we do not know the reasons of sufferings, distress can build up. If we believe in the love of God and know the benefits of sufferings, we can conquer every suffering.

1. Disobedience and distress
1) There is no one who is perfect in this world. Since Adam committed sin, all people are living painful lives due to disobedience toward God. (James 1:13~15)
2) Jonah faced a storm at sea because he disobeyed God’s command. (Jonah 1:11~12)

2. Distress as a tool leading to repentance
1) Distress becomes a tool of repentance to people who distance themselves from the word and prayer. (Ps. 89:30~32)
2) In the midst of sufferings, we must reflect on ourselves and turn our hearts toward God. (Ps. 119:67)

3. Distress as a vessel to receive blessings from God
1) Distress can be a vessel to receive God’s blessings. (James 1:12)
2) We must believe in God who delivers us from sufferings and pray to Him. (Ps. 40:1~2)

4. Distress making us look for God
1) Distress can be flogging to people who have been living arrogantly. It is true blessing to seek God and to go closer to Him through sufferings. (Isa. 55:6~7)
2) In the midst of sufferings, we must not be discouraged, believe in the love of and rely on God. (Prov. 8:17)

5. Distress nourishing spiritual strength
1) Through the process of overcoming distress, we get to nourish spiritual strength. (Heb. 12:11)
2) Since sufferings are for spiritual maturity, we must give thanks in the midst of sufferings. (James 1:2~4)

As we live our lives, people face moments of distress. When facing sufferings, there are those who collapse and give up. And then, there are those who grow more by relying on God. Romans 8:37 says, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” If we believe in the love of God, we can conquer every suffering, and achieve changes, development, and growth in life. To people like these, sufferings are blessings.