Where Shall We Buy Bread for These People to Eat?
(John 6:1~5)

Nowadays many people are living their lives like the desert. There are many things that lack in the desert. There is lack of drinking water and food. Various dangers are in the desert. However, a life that is with God lacks nothing. God does not want His children to face pain from lacking things. He wants us to enjoy a life of abundance with His grace. In order to live such life, we must apply the fourth dimensional spirituality in our life.

1. Jesus who wanted to feed them

1) Jesus did not want people who were gathered in the desert to face pain from hunger.
2) Jesus asked, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” Philip who calculated the cost answered that eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite. Andrew also concluded that it would be impossible to feed all people even though he brought five barley loaves and two fish. (John 6:7~9)
3) There is limitation when solving problems with the third dimensional ways. (Isa. 55:8~9)
4) People who believe in God should not think negatively. (Matt. 7:9~11)

2. Jesus’ fourth dimensional solution

1) Jesus gave a prayer of creative thankfulness with five barley loaves and two fish. (John 6:10~11)
2) When the earth was formless and empty, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. (Gen. 1:2)
3) Our creative declarations of mouth bring changes and creation in life. (Isa. 55:10~11)

3. Jesus’ fourth dimensional edification

1) Completely fill our hearts and surroundings with positive thoughts. (Ps. 103:2~5)
2) Clearly embrace dreams given by God in our hearts. (Mark 10:51~52)
3) Look to our dreams and have faith by praying to God. (John 11:39~40)
4) Believe in the things that are not as though they were and declare such faith with our mouths. (1 John 5:14~15)


God made Abram to call himself Abraham and Sarai as Sarah. Jesus gave a prayer of thanks with five
barley loaves and two fish. God is pleased with words of faith. When we acknowledge things that are not as though they were with faith, the Holy Spirit works.