Let’s Prepare for the New Year in This Way
(Gen. 1:1~5)

God has given us year 2017 as a gift. Our lives will change depending on how we use this gift. Just as there is a saying, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” the beginning is important in all things. No matter what we do, we have to have a good start to succeed. As we celebrate the first Sunday of the New Year, what kind of attitude should we have?

1. Let’s start with new thoughts this year
1) We must put down our negative thoughts and have thoughts of absolute positiveness. (Prov. 4:23)
2) We must think about Jesus’ redemptive grace of the cross of Calvary.
① We have received forgiveness of sins and righteousness through the cross (Rom. 3:23~24)
 ② We have received holiness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit through the cross. (1 John 1:9)
 ③ We have received healing and the blessings of health through the cross. (1 Peter 2:24)
 ④ We have received the blessings of Abraham by being freed from curses through the cross. (Gal. 3:13~14)
 ⑤ We have received resurrection and the blessings of eternal life through the cross. (John 6:54)

2. Let’s have a clear dream in our hearts
1) We must embrace our dreams given by God in our hearts and confess with our mouths. (Gen. 37:6~7)
2) We must look to our dreams and fervently give thanks to God. (Ps. 103:1~5)
3) We must have faith of absolute positiveness and get rid of negative resentment. (Num. 14:6~8)

3. Let’s make a creative confession of our mouth
1) The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of God brings creative works. (Gen. 1:2)
2) God created the heavens, the earth, and all things by declaring the word. (Gen. 1:3)

If we believe in salvation accomplished by Jesus through the cross and confess it with our mouths, we can receive the grace of being born again. In addition, we will be changed every day and will live a life where our faith grows by the help of the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of the fourth dimension. We who were granted this kind of amazing grace must take hopeful steps through the thoughts based on the redemptive grace of the cross, dreams, faith, and mouth confession.