Jesus Who Is the Light of Life
(John 1:9~14)

Jesus is the light of life. In the world filled with darkness, Jesus came as the light and destroyed the power of sins and death by dying on the cross. Jesus gave the right to become children of God to those who receive Him and who believe in His name. Just as the darkness goes away when the light shines, if Jesus who is the light comes into our life, things in the darkness disappear. Also, we can enjoy good health and that all can go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.

1. Jesus who has destroyed the darkness
1) The devil brings sins, transgressions, diseases, pain, curses, poverty, death, and destruction. The devil is the king of the darkness and the fundamental source of every pain. (John 10:10)
2) Jesus came as the light in the world filled with darkness. He came to destroy the works of the devil that belongs in the darkness. (Col. 2:15)

2. Jesus who has given life
1) Jesus destroyed the works of the devil by dying on the cross of Calvary. In addition, He gave life to all those who believe in Him. (Col. 1:13~14)
2) We who have become the children of God by believing in Jesus are able to enjoy forgiveness, righteousness, holiness, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, healing, health, blessings, prosperity, resurrection and eternal heaven. (John 1:9~13)

3. Jesus who lightens the way that we go
1) Jesus’ light shines the paths that we need to take during our lifetime. (John 8:12)
2) People who are in Jesus live by following the word of God. (1John 2:8~9)

The Lord shines the paths that we need to take by being with us during our lifetime. People who have accepted Jesus who is the light must not stay in the darkness and live a life that stays in the midst of light. A life that stays in the midst of light stays away from sins and obeys the word of God. In addition, it is a life that lives with faith by having dreams and hopes, being guided by the Holy Spirit. I pray that all of you will enjoy righteousness, peace, and joy through a life that stays in the light in the New Year.