Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually, Give Thanks in All Circumstances
(1 Thess. 5:16~18)

Christians must not lose joy, prayers, and thanksgiving no matter what kind of situations they face. This is because it is God’s will for us. If we live a life that is always joyful, prays continually, and gives thanks in all circumstances, following the will of God, God will receive glory through us. In addition, we can enjoy good health and that all can go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.

1. Be joyful always
1) If we are joyful, the scent of joy will overflow in our life circumstances. (1 Thess. 5:16)
2) If we laugh out loud, our bodies and hearts become healthy. (Prov. 15:13)
3) Laughter allows us to have positive thoughts and brings happiness in life. (Ps. 16:11)

2. Pray continually
1) Paul and Silas praised God even in prison. When their praises were heard, a miracle where everybody’s chains came loose took place. As long as we can pray in difficult situations, we can dream hopes again. (Acts 16:25~26)
2) God has given us authority to drive out demons. (Mark 16:17)

3. Give thanks in all circumstances
1) Thanksgiving is not a condition, but a problem of faith. People who believe in God can give thanks to Him no matter what kind of circumstances they are in. (Hab 3:17~18)
2) The devil works through negative thoughts and spoken words. He makes us think of ourselves negatively by putting a thought of “I am incompetent.” He makes us think negatively about our future by putting a thought of “it is all over.” He makes us discouraged and fall in despair by putting a thought of “I am not qualified to receive love.” (Prov. 18:20~21)

The devil steals, kills, and destroys through hopeless thoughts. Therefore, the source of despair is the devil. If we fall for the devil’s schemes and speak of despair, we will bear the fruit of death. We who believe in God can conquer despair through a life that is always joyful, prays continually, and gives thanks in all circumstances. In addition, we can always dream and speak hope.