The Matter of Reaping What One Sows
(Mal. 3:8)

It is the law of nature to reap what one sows. This applies in our life of faith. Giving tithes to God is like a farmer sowing seeds in the fields. Just as we can expect fruits when we sow seeds, we must give whole tithes to God so that He will give us abundant blessings.

1. Abraham who offered tithes to God
1) Abraham who was the ancestor of faith gave tithes to God. (Gen. 14:17~20)
2) God promised that He will give blessings to those who give tithes. (Deut. 14:28~29)

2. Testing our faith
1) God said to His people who do not give whole tithes, “You are under a curse?the whole nation of you?because you are robbing me.” Not giving tithes is to rob God’s things. (Mal. 3:7~9)
2) God said to test Him to see how important it is to give whole tithes. When we give whole tithes, God promised that He will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that we will not have room enough for it. (Mal. 3:10~12)

3. Test the sincereness of your own faith
1) God told Abraham to give Isaac as an offering. This was to test Abraham’s faith. When Abraham obeyed the word of God, God said, “Now I know that you fear God.” (Gen. 22:12)
2) When we go before God to ask for something, if we have robbed something from God, we cannot pray with bold faith because of our hearts’ hesitation. (Prov. 16:2)

People who try to only reap without sowing will be led to the path of destruction in the end because of greed. A tithe is confession of faith that acknowledges that everything is God’s. In addition, it is the passage that people of God receive blessings given by God. Through “the law of sowing and reaping,” I hope that all of you will enjoy blessings where you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well this year.