The Echo
(Gal. 6:7)

People who went to elementary school in mountain villages know what an echo is. When you go up to a high mountain and shout “hooray,” that sound comes back to you. This is called an echo. The law of an echo applies in interpersonal relationships. If you do evil deeds and say mean things about others, results come back to you like an echo. Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” You reap what you sow when it comes to your relationships with God and people.

1. The echo which is experienced in our life
1) Things that you said before God come back to your life like an echo. (Num. 14:27~28)
2) The law of returning as you have given applies to individuals and countries. (Luke 6:38)

2. The echo which is conveyed to oneself
1) If you say negative words like “I am unfortunate, I am poor, and I am depressed,” those words come back to you and negatively influence your life. (Prov. 4:24)
2) Our confessions of lips bring amazing changes in life. Confessions of lips can lead life to success or to failure and disappointment. (Prov. 18:20~21)

3. The echo which is conveyed to neighbors
1) Today, many words are exchanged through mass media such as radio and television and influence people. Businessmen interact with people through words. Sometimes, spoken words determine success and failure of business. (Eccles. 10:20)
2) The law of returning after giving influences not only our relationships with God, but also relationships with others. We need to sow good things so that we can reap good results. (Eph. 4:29)

We live in the midst of many echoes. The law of an echo where things are returned to you after you give applies in your relationships with God, yourself, and others. Continuous resentment and complaints bring very destructive results in our life. Therefore, we need to be careful what we say. We must make sure that good and faithful words always come out of our mouths.