Consolation and Hope
(2 Cor. 4:1~11)

As people live their lives, there is probably no one who has not gone through pain in their hearts in the midst of hopeless situations. When we are in the mire of pain and despair, we need comfort the most. Pastors need to make efforts to have Christians find comfort by doing their best to preach hopeful messages.

1. Throw away the negative thought
1) The Israelites who were passing through the desert were tied down to resentment and complaints because of negative thoughts. As a result, they faced a lot of pain. (Num. 14:2~3)
2) Just as guards are there to protect cities, we need guards for our thoughts. (Prov. 4:23)

2. Forgive and love
1) We need to encourage and compliment ourselves and always speak hope before God. (Ps. 103:2~5)
2) Seek comfort of the Holy Spirit who is with us. If we receive God’s forgiveness and love, we can live a life where we forgive, love, and comfort others. (Ps. 103:12~14)

3. Cheer your dream up
1) God encourages us by giving us dreams with purposes. (Phil. 4:13)
2) If we move forward with faith by dreaming dreams in the Lord, the Holy Spirit works. (Matt. 17:20)

4. Have a faith
1) Peter walked on the water and drowned because of his doubt. Doubts exist because faith exists. Do not be afraid, and take steps of faith. (Matt. 14:30~32)
2) Faith comes when we hear the word of God. Always stay close to the word. (Rom. 10:17)

The Israelites who left Egypt and went into the Desert of Shur by crossing the Red Sea traveled in the desert for three days without finding water. They found water when they reached Marah. But, the water was bitter that they could not drink it. At that time, when Moses threw a piece of wood in the water just as God told him, a miracle where the bitter water became sweet took place. As we live our lives today, there are times when we encounter the bitter water of Marah. When this happens, if we rely on the cross of Jesus, a miracle where the bitter water of life turning into sweet will take place. Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross is the miraculous answer to our bitter water of life becoming sweet.