A Woman Who Had Been Subject to Bleeding for Twelve Years
(Mark 5:25~34)

Today’s scripture shows a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. Back then, a bleeding disease was considered as an ominous disease like leprosy. People who suffer from such disease not only go through physical pain, but also pain in their hearts because they have to live separately from their families and friends. The woman squandered all her wealth for her treatment and lived by losing dreams and hopes.

1. Demon who is the force behind disease
1) The devil tries to steal and kill and destroy through diseases. (John 10:10)
2) The works of the devil take away joy, peace, and dreams. They make the light of faith to go off. Also, they make people to give up hopes through negative thoughts and spoken words. (Gal. 4:8)

2. The woman who fought with a bleeding disease
1) The woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years met many doctors. But, her disease got worse, and she squandered all her wealth for the cost of treatment. (Mark 5:25~26)
2) She gradually lost hopes in life in the midst of continuous sufferings, and her heart was filled with despair.

3. The news about Jesus
1) One day, the woman heard a rumor about Jesus. When she heard a rumor that Jesus had healed many sick people, she had dreams and hopes of tomorrow. (Rom. 10:17)
2) The woman came to Jesus, moving through the crowd with faith that she will be healed if she touches Jesus’ clothes. Faith is to overcome all obstacles and go to the Lord. (Mark 6:56)
3) We must stand against the devil with faith by having dreams and goals in life. (1 Peter 5:8~9)

The devil tries to steal and kill and destroy us through various problems in life. If we think negatively, lose dreams, hopes, and faith, and speak negatively, we will live a life that becomes a slave to the devil. However, if we declare faith by having dreams and hopes, we will live a life that conquers the devil in fighting. People of faith do not step back no matter what kind of situations they face. We must overcome every obstacle with faith and hold onto Jesus’ clothes by reaching out our hands.