Has Jesus Really Been Risen?
(1 Cor 15:1~8)

Jesus’ resurrection is an event that took place in the history of humanity. Some people claim that Jesus’ death and resurrection are false. However, Jesus’ death and resurrection are clear facts. Despite various mocking and persecution, Jesus’ disciples preached about Jesus’ resurrection and were martyred. There were many people who witnessed resurrected Jesus.

1. The certainty of Jesus’ death and resurrection
1) Jesus’ death and resurrection are clear facts. Jesus was crucified while many people were watching. His corpse was buried at the grave of Joseph of Arimathea.
2) Testimonies of many people who met resurrected Jesus show that Jesus’ resurrection is true.
①Mary Magdalene and the women who came to the grave (John 20:11~14)
② Two disciples who were going to a village called Emmaus (Luke 24:13~16)
③ Disciples who were gathered by locking doors because of fear (John 20:19~20)
④The eleven disciples including Thomas (John 20:24~28)
⑤ Disciples who were catching fish at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1~4)
⑥ Jesus appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers, James, and Paul (1 Cor 15:6~8)
⑦ Disciples who witnessed resurrected Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:9~11)

2. Forgiving Peter pressed by the feeling of guilt
1) Resurrected Jesus came to Peter who was pressed by the feeling of guilt and asked, “Do you truly love me?” Jesus also said, “Feed my sheep.” (John 21:15~17)
2) Resurrected Jesus comes to restore us even today. (Rom. 8:1~2)

3. The risen Jesus and me
1) Resurrected Jesus comes to us. He is with us eternally. (John 14:20)
2) We are in the Lord. People who are in the Lord are able to enjoy the grace of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing by Jesus’ death and resurrection. (2 Cor. 4:10)

The Bible says, “It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God?that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” (1 Cor. 1:30~31) We must live as witnesses of resurrection by having faith of “Jesus’ death is my death, and Jesus’ resurrection is my resurrection.”