Come to Me, All You Who Are Weary and Burdened
(Matt. 11:28~30)

All people who are born as the descendants of Adam live a tiring life by carrying laborious and heavy burdens. They live by carrying burdens of sins, transgressions, diseases, pain, poverty and death each day. Jesus calls this life as people who are carrying laborious and heavy burdens.

1. You who are weary and burdened
1) Human beings lost the meaning of life due to sin. Because of greed that attempted to be equal to God, they were banished before God who is the way and the truth and the life. They had to live by carrying laborious and heavy burdens on the cursed land. (Gen. 3:16~19)
2) Sin brings conflicts between married couples, hostility between siblings, greed that goes beyond one’s place, and avarice. Due to these things, many people are living a painful life today. (Gen. 4:8)

2. Come to me all
1) The Lord who is the way is saying “come to me” to those who are lost. (Matt. 18:12~14)
2) The Lord who is the truth is saying “come to me” to those who have become slaves to lies. (John 8:44)
3) The Lord who is the life is saying “come to me” to those who have become slaves to death. (Rom 5:21)

3. By works or by faith
1) God made garments of skin for Adam and Eve who were being banished from the Garden of Eden and clothed them. This shows that humiliation of sin cannot be hidden with man’s strength. (Rom. 3:20)
2) Through only God’s grace, a life is gained with faith. (Rom. 3:21~22)

4. Take the easy and light yoke
1) Jesus said, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” If we go before Jesus with faith, we can get rid of laborious and heavy burdens and carry easy and light yokes.
2) We must live by carrying the cross of Jesus together and by obeying with faith. (2 Cor. 4:10)

When Jesus was dying on the cross on Mount Calvary, a criminal who hung next to Jesus confessed, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” So Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus declared, “It is finished,” on the cross. Therefore, as long as people come before Jesus, they can get rid of burdens of sins, wickedness, poverty, curses, and death and enjoy true rest.