The Work of God and Three Hundred Warriors of Gideon
(Judges 7:1~7)

If we look in Judges, the Israelites faced a lot of pain because of the Midianites. After the Israelites sowed seeds, the Midianites and the Amalekites came and took away all the food that the Israelites faced extreme poverty. During that time, God appeared to Gideon and told him that the Israelites will be saved from the hands of the Midianites through him.

1. Asking the sign of God
1) When God said He will save Israel through Gideon, Gideon asked for a sign from God. God showed him a sign that he wanted. There was dew only on a wool fleece on the threshing floor, and all the ground was dry. (Judges 6:36~38)
2) Gideon asked for a sign again. This time, the wool fleece was dry, and the ground was covered with dew. So Gideon was able to gain faith. (Judges 6:39~40)

2. Recruiting the people to fight for Israel
1) When 32,000 people were gathered to fight against the Midianites, God said, “Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back.” So 22,000 people left, while 10,000 people remained. People who do not believe in God become slaves to fear. However, people who believe in God can overcome fear no matter what kind of situations they face just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. (Judges 7:2~3)
2) God said to take the rest of the people down to the water. God said, “Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink.” Christians are soldiers of spiritual warfare. There are those who first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Then, there are those who obey God’s command after fulfilling their thirst. (Judges 7:5~6)
3) God chose three hundred men who lapped the water with their tongues. In regard to the twelve people who explored the land of Canaan, God chose Joshua and Caleb who boldly moved forward. (Judges 7:7)

3. Taking the victory by the work of God
1) God promised victory to Gideon and told him to go to his enemy’s camp. Also, God said to go with his servant and explore the enemy’s camp if he is afraid. (Judges 7:9)
2) God showed that Israel will win through an enemy’s dream. (Judges 7:13~14)

The Israelites finally gained amazing victory because God was with them. Not only did they gain freedom from the Midianites’ oppression, but gained many items that were taken away from them. Today, we are waging invisible spiritual warfare. If our hearts are filled with fear, we can never win. If we boldly move forward with faith, we can gain victory with the work of God.