What is the Most Important Thing in Life?
(John 3:14?21)

The most important thing in life is to believe in Jesus Christ. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Whoever believes in Jesus Christ, he shall not perish but have eternal life. Also, he will come to have dreams in Jesus Christ, march forward in faith, and live a victorious life.

1. The attitude of life is the most important.
1) We ought to have the attitude of life that rejoice always,?pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (Phil4:6-7)
2) Such attitude in life can be found through the Cross of Jesus Christ. When we take a look at ourselves through the lens of the Cross, we can receive forgiveness, holiness, and the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit. We can also be cured of diseases, freed from curses, and lead our lives with the hope in resurrection and eternal life. (Ro3:23-24)

2. We have to dream and hope.
1) Life without dream is despair, but God answers our prayer if we pray with dreams.(Phil2:13)
2) If we open our mouths with dreams, the Lord will fill them. (Ps81:10)

3. Faith has great creativity.
1) Faith is to look at things that were not as if they were and wait for them to happen while giving thanks. Ro4:17)
2) Dreams come true through faith. If we have a dream, we will pray. If we pray, we will come to have faith. And God is working when we declare that faith. (Mk9:23)

4. Declare creatively.
1) If we proclaim our faith with our lips, it will be done as we believe it to be. (Mk 11:24)
2) In all times, we ought to speak of faith actively and creatively. (Nu 14:28)

The most important thing in life is to believe in Jesus Christ and live a life with Him. Jesus gives us a dream and works through that dream. Therefore, we shall not lose our dreams under any circumstances. When we have a dream and march forward with faith, wonderful miracles will happen in our lives.