The Vision and Dream Given by the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:14~19)

What do you need to do when individuals, families, societies, and nations are about to collapse because they are in confusion and in anxiety? Whether it is families or organizations, they collapse if they lose dreams. However, individuals and organizations can never fail if they embrace purposes in life and dreams in their hearts. The Bible says that your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. If we consistently read the Bible and pray no matter what kind of sufferings come, we can overcome hardships and continue to move forward because the Holy Spirit gives dreams in our hearts.

1. We can’t live without dream
1) Today, we enjoy various benefits of civilization such as electricity and cars because someone had dreamed dreams a long time ago. For a happy life, we need dreams. (Phil. 2:13)
2) If we dream dreams today, our children will live a more beautiful and abundant life.

2. The Holy Spirit gives dream
1) When Jesus died by being nailed on the cross, the disciples lost dreams and hopes. But, when the Holy Spirit came on the Pentecost, they dreamed dreams again. (Acts 1:8)
2) If the Holy Spirit comes even today, He gives us dreams. (Acts 2:17)

3. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit
1) A church is a gathering place for those who believe in Jesus and is a sanctuary where the Holy Spirit lives. (1 Cor. 3:16)
2) We need to become passages where the Holy Spirit works by always being filled with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 1:23)

4. Confess and repent your sins
1) We must give prayers of repentance by following the word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)
2) If we look to the precious blood shed by Jesus, demons and sins go away. (1 Peter 1:18~19)
3) The Holy Spirit makes sinners holy by cleansing and changing them. (1 Cor. 6:11)

5. The Holy Spirit lives in us
1) Jesus promised us that He will be with us by sending the Holy Spirit. (John 14:16)
2) If the Holy Spirit comes who is another Counselor, He teaches and guides us. (John 14:25~26)

More than 10 million Christians live in our country. As long as we who believe in God move forward by embracing visions and dreams given by the Holy Spirit and by praying, we will never fail. We can be more than conquerors. Also, we can make abundant and beautiful families, societies, and nations.