The Exploration Report of 10 Versus 2
(Num. 13:25~14:10)

Whether we are looking at things that happen in the world or things that happen to ourselves, our interpretations will differ depending on what kind of glasses we wear and look at. If we look at things with human eyes, we will see despair. But, if we look at things with God’s eyes, we will see hope. The twelve spies explored the same space at the same time, but their reports were completely different. The report of the ten spies was filled with unfaithfulness, and the report of the two spies was filled with faith. When we look at all situations with the eyes of God, God gives us amazing victory.

1. Two reports of twelve spies
1) After the twelve spies explored the land of Canaan, they gave two reports. One was a report of exploration on God’s side. Another one was a report of exploration on human’s side. (Num. 13:31~33)
2) The negative report of the ten people made others to rebel against God. (Num. 14:1~4)
3) Joshua and Caleb gave a report filled with faith. (Num. 14:6~8)

2. Which glasses are you seeing through?
1) If we look at things with the glasses of humans by falling for the devil’s schemes, we will be led to the path of destruction. (Num. 14:11)
2) If we are guided by the Holy Spirit by wearing the glasses of the word of God, we will be led to the path of life. (Num. 14:8~9)

3. See through the cross of Jesus
1) We need to put down attitudes that only rely on experiences of human beings and reason. (Ps. 10:4)
2) If we look at things through the cross of Jesus by having the fourth dimensional spirituality, we can enjoy the grace of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing that God has granted. (Ps. 103:3~5)

4. Be aware of the power at the back
1) We should not fall for the schemes of the devil that works behind evil things. (John 13:2)
2) We need to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit who loves us. (Rom. 8:26~27)

God answers according to our faith. The devil tempted Adam and Eve and made them rebel against God through negative thoughts. Even today, the devil tries to tempt us through negative thoughts. Our life changes depending on what kind of thoughts we accept. Therefore, we must have thoughts of faith by always looking to Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection.