Life Given by God and the Humanistic Model
(1 Cor. 2:9~10)

If we look around us, there are various kinds of trees and grass. There are not only real trees and grass but also trees and grass made by humans. They look the same if we look at them from far away. However, if we go up close and touch them, trees and grass that have life are completely different from artificial trees and grass. It is the same with man. Life given by Jesus is fundamentally different from natural life gained as the descendants of Adam.

1. They will never thirst
1) Religions and rituals made by man cannot bring true life. (Acts 4:12)
2) Through a conversation with a Samaritan woman, Jesus talked about a spring of water welling up to eternal life. He was referring to the Holy Spirit that will be received by those who believe in Jesus. Life is given to those who believe through Jesus’ death and resurrection. (1 John 5:12)

2. I am the vine; you are the branches
1) Jesus is the source of life. Just as branches can maintain life when connected to trees, we can maintain life when connected to Jesus who is the source of life. Also, we need to be connected to Jesus so that we can bear fruit. (John 15:5)
2) Various religions in this world bear artificial fruits. (Matt. 7:15~18)

3. Whoever believes in him shall have eternal life
1) It is a wrong claim that you can receive salvation when you have faith and make human efforts. (Gal. 2:21)
2) Eternal life is gained when we accept the sacrifice of Jesus’ cross with faith. Salvation, as the gift of God, is received with faith by God’s grace. (Rom. 3:23:~24)
3) We who have gained life with the grace of God must give endless thanks. (Col. 3:16~17)

Christianity is to enjoy life that God has given us through Jesus by accepting it with faith. This life is filled with God’s grace and love. We should not neglect this amazing salvation that we gained with God’s grace and love and give limitless thanks to God. When we are in the Lord with faith, we can give glory to God by bearing abundant fruit.