The Experiential Gospel
(2 Cor. 4:10~11)

Christianity faith is not philosophy or study based on the third dimensional world that relies on theory or reason. Even if human beings come up with an excellent theory, we cannot have faith without grace that can be experienced while we live. Our faith must take root on living experiences. If we experience the works of living God through prayer and faith, our faith becomes more robust.

1. Always carry around the death of Jesus
1) We must always carry Jesus’ death. The gospel of Jesus Christ must become the practical gospel in our life. (2 Cor. 4:10~11)
2) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not abandon their faith before the blazing furnace. Daniel did not abandon faith even when he was being thrown in the lions’ den. They showed that God is alive by overcoming extreme sufferings with faith. (Dan. 3:16~17)

2. Take the uncompromising faith
1) People of faith do not compromise when sufferings come and boldly move forward. (James 4:7)
2) If we move forward with prayer and faith, we can overcome all kinds of sufferings. (Heb. 10:38~39)

3. Apply the Five-fold Gospel
1) Jesus carried all our burdens for us. (2 Cor. 5:21)
2) If we go to Jesus, we get to put down laborious and heavy burdens and gain rest. (Matt. 11:28~30)
3) Jesus gained victory through the death on the cross and resurrection. He has given us that victory. Therefore, we can overcome all kinds of difficulties. (1 John 4:4)

Inexperienced faith is just a theory and playing with words. Because 120 Christians who gathered and prayed in Mark’s upper room approximately 2,000 years ago experienced the Holy Spirit, they were able to have a miraculous life of faith. It is the same today. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we do not surrender before sufferings. In addition, we can experience the fivefold gospel that was granted by Jesus through the cross in our life. We must live our lives by believing in living God and relying on His power every day.