The Power from Behind
(Exodus 17:8~13)

Just as walls in the countryside can stand when they are strongly supported, our life needs strong support so that it does not fall when storms of life come. When the Israelites were heading toward the land of Canaan after leaving Egypt, they fought against the Amalekites. At that time, Joshua led an army and fought against the Amalekites, and Moses went up to a mountain where he can see the battlefield and prayed by lifting up his hands. When Moses prayed by lifting up his hands, the army of Israel won. When he put down his hands, the army of Israel was losing. This shows that God worked through Moses’ prayer.

1. The power from behind that controls our lives
1) When Goliath who was a commander of the Philistine and David who was a boy of Israel confronted with each other, David was small and weak. God became the power from behind for David. (1 Sam. 17:45)
2) When the disciples were on a boat with Jesus, they faced a strong wind. When Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still,” the wind died down and it was calm. There was the work of Satan behind a strong wind and waves. (Mark 4:39)

2. The victory of Jesus
1) Jesus completely defeated Satan who is the power of evil from behind. (Col. 2:13~15)
2) The Bible shows that evil spirits that held authority of the air delayed answers of Daniel’s prayers. Also, evil spirits worked behind Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. (John 13:2)

3. The power of prayer
1) If we pray to God, we can drive out demons. When we pray to God, the Holy Spirit becomes the power from behind and accomplishes amazing things. (Rom. 8:26)
2) We can become the power from behind for someone through prayer. Earnest requests of a righteous person have strong power that works. We need to pray for each other. (James 5:15~16)

There is Satan behind every evil. If we have the power of the Holy Spirit, we can drive out evil power that works behind life. The power from behind which is the power of the Holy Spirit works through our prayers. Even if Satan tries to block the grace of God toward us and the love of Jesus, we can be more than conquerors if we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer.