Jesus Made the Winds and the Waves Completely Calm
(Matt. 8:25~27)

When Jesus was crossing the sea by taking a boat with His disciples, a strong wind suddenly arrived that the boat was about to sink. The disciples shouted, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” They woke up Jesus who was sleeping in the stern. Jesus woke up, rebuked the winds, and said to the sea, “Be calm. Be still.” So the winds immediately stopped, and it was calm.

1. The winds and the waves
1) The disciples met strong winds and waves in the middle of the sea. (Eccl. 7:14)
2) There are times when the winds blow and the waves come in our life. (Job 5:7)

2. Jesus and his disciples
1) The disciples were filled with fear when they saw raging winds and waves. (Matt. 8:25)
2) Jesus who was on the boat with the disciples slept peacefully in the midst of the storm. (Matt. 8:24)

3. Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves
1) Jesus’ rebuking of the sea shows that there is spiritual power from behind. (Matt. 8:26)
2) There are invisible winds blowing without sound in our life. That is the work of evil spirits. We must stand against evil spirits by always being spiritually awake. (Eph. 6:11~12)

4. Jesus rebuked his disciples for their lack of faith
1) Jesus heard His disciples’ request and calmed the winds and the sea. If we move forward by prayer when we encounter storms in life, the Lord calms the storms. (James 5:13)
2) Jesus rebuked his disciples for their lack of faith. Even when storms come in our life, we must believe that God is with us and boldly move forward. (James 1:6~7)

In a world where we live, there are many tests and tribulations. In these situations, Jesus is with us. When encountered with storms in life, do not be discouraged or fear. When we fervently pray with faith, the Lord who governs all things will calm the storms in life.