Despair and Hope
(Matthew 9:20~22)

In the Bible, there is a story of a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. The woman was isolated from society due to her disease and couldn’t live with her loving family, let alone her neighbors and friends. She was in a situation of absolute despair where hope cannot be found. If she had given up hope, her life would have ended. She did not give up on hope until the end. She heard a rumor that Jesus was going to pass through, moved through a crowd, and held onto Jesus’ cloak with faith that she will be healed if she touches His clothes.

1. Gospel of hope
1) Jesus’ coming on this land is the blessed gospel that gives hope and joy. (Luke 4:18~19)
2) Because Jesus died on the cross for our sins, anyone who believes in Him can enjoy the grace of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing. (3 John 1:2)

2. Gospel without discrimination
1) Look to Jesus and plant joyful and good gospel in your heart. (Ps. 103:3~5)
2) The woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years embraced dreams and hopes in her heart that she will be restored after hearing about Jesus’ rumor. (Matt. 9:20~21)

3. Faith as small as a mustard seed
1) The woman stood behind many people and touched Jesus’ cloak. A person with dreams does not give up no matter what kind of obstacles he faces. (Mark 5:27)
2) If we continue to pray with dreams, faith comes into our hearts. (Matt. 17:20)

4. Your faith has healed you
1) Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you.” (Matt. 9:22)
2) The woman who was living her life in despair for a long time was able to live a completely changed life because she met Jesus. Faith changes despair into hope. (James 5:15)

Hope is what is most needed to those who are in despair. Jesus is the gospel of hope for humanity. People can receive salvation and live a changed life in the Lord as long as they believe in Jesus. In addition, they can live a life where they may enjoy good health and that all may go well with them, even as their souls are getting along well.