Where Is Your Faith?
(Lk. 8:22~25)

One day, Jesus got into a boat with His disciples and was crossing the Sea of Galilee. The boat was filled with water because a squall came suddenly and people faced a very dangerous situation. The disciples were caught in fear, shouted “Master, we’re going to drown,” and hurriedly woke up Jesus who was sleeping. When Jesus rebuked the wind and the waters, the wind stopped blowing immediately and the waves calmed. Jesus asked His disciples, “Where is your faith?”

1. The winds and waves in your life
1) The disciples encountered scary winds and waves when they were crossing the lake. Not only are there visible waves, but there are invisible waves. The winds blow and various waves of problems threaten us every day in our life. (Job 5:7)
2) If the wind of the devil blows, things that steal, kill, and destroy take place. However, if the wind of the Holy Spirit blows, the works of gaining life and having life to the full take place. (Job 1:18~19)
3) When we face a crisis in life, we need to go before the Lord and cry out. (Ps. 86:7)

2. Where is your faith?
1) When the disciples shook in fear and shouted, Jesus said, “Where is your faith?” Jesus rebuked His disciples for not acting boldly with faith. (Lk. 8:25)
2) There are often times when the Lord tests our faith. (Jas. 1:6~7)

3. God who is always with you
1) Jesus is Almighty God who creates the heavens and the earth with the word. (Ps. 89:9)
2) We must always remember that Almighty Lord is with us. (Isa. 41:10)

The winds always blow and the waves come in life. People who believe in God should not be caught in fear and move forward with faith. Because Almighty Lord governs everything in our life, the Lord calms the winds and waves if we pray with faith.