God’s Love, Jonah’s Patriotism
(Jonah 4:5~11)

Assyria was a country that harassed Israel. Because Jonah had patriotism, he thought that Nineveh, which was the capital of Assyria, should receive judgment. His human judgment went beyond God’s will. He claimed condemnation and judgment, but God wanted repentance and forgiveness. Despite the fact that Jonah clearly knew God’s will, he claimed his thoughts. As a result, he faced a great storm and went inside of a fish.

1. Jonah went against God’s will
1) Jonah disobeyed the will of God and took a ship that was headed to Tarshish. (Jonah 1:1~3)
2) When Jonah went to the wrong way, God sent a great wind and such a violent storm arose. As a result, Jonah was thrown into the sea. (Jonah 1:4)

2. The refuge God prepared
1) God provided a great fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah repented while he was inside the fish three days and three nights. (1 Cor. 10:13)
2) God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land. (Jonah 2:10)
3) When Jonah declared God’s judgment at the great city of Nineveh, the king declared a fast, and an amazing event took place where all people repented, wearing sackcloth. (Eccle. 12:14)

3. Jonah wanted punishment of Nineveh
1) When God did not bring punishment on Nineveh, Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. God wanted to teach Jonah who continued to claim punishment of Nineveh His heart of forgiveness and love by providing him a vine. (Jonah 4:5~7)
2) Jonah insisted on his opinion to the end and disputed with God (Jonah 4:8~9)

4. God forgave Nineveh
1) God said, “But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?” (Jonah 4:10~11)
2) God forgives those who repent and embraces them with love. (Joel 2:12~13)

God is a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love. This year, we must live a life of love and forgiveness, following the will of God who wants repentance and forgiveness. Also, we must believe in good God and start the new year by having dreams and hopes.