Have a Dream and Look into It
(Nu. 13:25~33)

People who believe in God must live their lives by having dreams. If we have dreams in our hearts, look to ourselves as if our dreams have come to pass, and make declarations with faith, God makes our dreams come true. We go through many difficulties as we live our lives. But, people with dreams are not discouraged and fall in despair no matter what kind of circumstances they are in. This is because they believe that God will be with them and make those dreams to come to pass.

1. Laws of seeing and Red Sea incident
1) Pharaoh of Egypt mobilized his entire army and chased after the Israelites. The Israelites who saw the strongest army of Egypt were all in fear. (Ex. 14:10~12)
2) Moses did not look to the army of Egypt, but looked to Almighty God. Moses said to the Israelites to look up and to see God who fights for the Israelites. (Ex. 14:13~14)

2. Laws of seeing and twelve spies
1) Twelve spies returned after exploring the land of Canaan for forty days. Ten spies among them looked to the armed castles and giants and gave a negative report. (Num. 13:32~33)
2) Only Joshua and Caleb among the twelve spies looked to the land that God promised with the eyes of faith and gave a positive report that God will give them that land. (Num. 14:6~8)

3. Laws of seeing and two results
1) The ten spies and the people who grumbled and complained after hearing a negative report could not enter the promised land and lived by wandering around the desert for forty years. (Num. 14:26~30)
2) Joshua and Caleb who followed the law of seeing with faith enjoyed the fruit of faith. Our results of life differ depending on what we look at. (Heb. 3:7~8)

It is important what we look at as we live our lives. If we only look to difficult situations, we cannot have dreams and hopes. However, if we look to Almighty God, we can have dreams and hopes even in difficult situations. Do you have dreams? Are you living your life by always looking to those dreams? If you believe in God and move forward by having dreams and hopes, God will make your dreams to come to pass.